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South Nicholson Project

Wiso Energy holds 100% interest in EPA 202, EPA 203 and EPA 204 in the South Nicholson Basin, covering a total area of 29,646 km2.


South Nicholson Basin is less explored compared to its peer Beetaloo Basin to the north and Georgina Basin to the south. This area is covered by a Mesoproterozoic succession that overlies likely older Paleoproterozoic McArthur succession. There exist a few old and shallow wells in the area and Lake Nash-1, in the east of EPA 203, which TD'd at 400m have oil shows. This suggests there is a working petroleum system. 


The area in the past attracted little industry attention due to a lack of gas infrastructure. However, the recently constructed Northern Gas Pipeline (NGP) sparked more interest in the area as it significantly reduced the capital investment in infrastructure required to monetise the potential gas resources in the area.


NGP pipeline, which goes through EPA 202, EPA 203 and EPA 204, adds low cost pathways for us to develop and monetise the potential gas resources, which includes

  • connect to NT gas pipeline for NT energy customers

  • connect to NT gas pipeline for LNG processing in Darwin

  • connect to gas pipeline network in the east states, for customers in the east states

New seismic data shows features similar to Beetaloo

Gravity South Nicholson.png

Recently GS/NTGS deep seismic program L210 & L212 revealed new geological information​


  • Seismic line 19GA-B1 intersects northwest corner of EPA 204

  • Over 10 km sedimentary succession identified in Brunette Down Rift System, extension of the McArthur Basin

  • Gravity anomaly suggesting the northeast- trending rift system likely extends into EPA 202, EPA 203 and EPA 204

  • This suggests McArthur Basin (Beetaloo included) exploration concept applies to our permits.


This area in the past drew little interest due to the lack of geological information, specifically whether sedimentary succession is too thin for exploration. With the new information revealed by the seismic, it is likely this area has prospectivity in Mesoproterozoic to Paleoproterozoic sequences, which are already proven in Beetaloo and east part of South Nicholson Basin. 

Gravity Anomaly Map by © Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2015; Blue=gravity lows, represent sedimentary depocenters; Red=gravity highs, represent intra-basin ridges/highs, or orogens; Yellow line A-B= location of seismic line shown below.

Seismic South Nicholson.png

Composite seismic section linking from Beetaloo to Carrara Sub-bsain, showing basin framework and sedimentary architecture. Thick sedimentary succession were reveal by the seismic in the location of EPA 204. Seismic section and interpretation are seen in The Exploring for the Future 2019 Barkly Reflection Seismic Survey: Key discoveries and implication for resources (Southby et al;, 2021)

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