L214 Northwest Northern Territory Seismic Survey (NW NT Seismic Survey), as part of the Australian Government's Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program, is a collaboration between Geoscience Australia and the Northern Territory Geological Survey, aimed to systematically map the subsurface geology of a significant yet largely unexplored region of Australia. Covering an extensive area that includes the Birrindudu Basin, Kalkarindji Suite, Tanami, and Wolfe Basin, the survey successfully acquired about 846 kilometers of high-resolution seismic data across four seismic transects, specifically designated as 23GA-NT1 (54.5 km and 184.5 km in two separate sections), 23GA-NT2 (112 km), 23GA-NT3 (221.46 km), and 23GA-NT4 (274.2 km). The data acquisition was conducted from 5 August to 20 September 2023. It has become available now.

This data set partially overlaps our Wiso/Birrindudu Project Permits EP 200, EP 205, EP 207, EP 209 and EP 211, and will provide critical insights into the geological framework and evaluate the resource potential within our permits.
Our JV partner Blue Energy has requested the raw data from Geoscience Australia. The seismic data will be processed and interpreted in the coming months.
Our Wiso/Birrindudu Project is one of the largest unexplored areas for shale gas, and is adjacent to the south west of the Beetaloo region (shale gas hub), and existing geological evidence shows similarities and connection of our permit areas to the Beetaloo basin. Wiso and its JV are also targeting a seismic program to unlock the value of the our permits.